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Arden Styles
For Arden Styles, it’s always been about business. His passion for business was initially sparked by its dynamic variety. His journey began more than 25 years ago, when, after business school, he entered the realm of business management consulting to learn and utilize the breadth of knowledge it encompassed. As he worked with companies of all sizes and industries, he began seeing patterns in the challenges these companies faced. For Arden, it’s all about understanding, which means fewer business missteps. And missteps cost a fortune.
Arden’s journey took him from consulting into operations management and venture capital, then to executive leadership and marketing. He has delivered over 60 strategy and operational improvement projects for global firms like KPMG and EY. Along the way, he noticed that all companies, large or small, are susceptible to uncertainty, distracting them from efficiently executing their strategies. “Execution is what matters,” he says. “I help organizations cut through the chaos and increase the degree of certainty in the business.” He uses his passion for business transformation and innovation to help organizations reduce friction and create a compelling story for the marketplace to drive value.
In 2020, his path led him to CEGEN Environmental Group, where, as chief operating officer, he has executed a complete overhaul of the brand identity, helping the company attract a global audience. CEGEN, having served dozens of clients in oil, gas, energy, and crypto-mining across the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East, has created a far-reaching positive impact. “Whether it’s choosing the right trail through the jungle, getting your team motivated around innovation, getting to the point and conveying simply and strongly that what you offer is essential, that’s where I come in,” Arden says.
Arden Styles holds an MBA from the University of British Columbia, as well as Certified Management Consultant (previous), Travel Industry Council of Ontario, and Project Management Professional designations. He has received, among others, the West Island College Distinguished Alumni Award for Business, the MacDermot Memorial Prize for Academics from Bishops University, and achieved a black belt in Hap Ki Do (a Korean martial art). He serves as a guest speaker on podcasts, business events, expert panels, and gives presentations on discovering the essence of a brand.
Arden Styles
COO — CEGEN Environmental Group
Website: https://cegenenvironmental.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ardenstyles/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEGENgreen
Instagram: @cegengreen