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MPI Group, LLC
Owners: John T. Gasper III, Ryan Luke, Mark Murphy
Why would an insurance agency be featured in a top 100 real estate magazine? We, at MPI Group, are here to make your homeowning experience a safe and secure investment. As an independent firm, we find the best products and services available and custom tailor solutions for each client’s unique needs and budget.
Usually, the largest and scariest purchase a person or couple makes is their home. One of your biggest concerns is how to pay your mortgage in the event of an illness or injury. MPI specializes in safeguarding your investment. Our mortgage protection offers living benefits with features that provide you with the ability to keep your home in the event of an unexpected critical or chronic illness, or a critical injury. Some examples of a critical illness would be cancer, stroke, heart attack, end stage renal failure, etc. An example of a critical injury would be a coma, paralysis or traumatic brain injury. An illness or injury of that magnitude could be devastating to a family’s financial future.
In addition, we offer our new proprietary “Debt Elimination Program,” which helps clients eliminate their debts in full. “We don’t consolidate the debt; we help eliminate it completely.” Pay off the mortgage, vehicles, student loans, home equity loans, credit card bills, etc. in an average of eight to ten years while accumulating a bank of money to use for future expenditures and a debt free retirement. The total debt is not the problem, the problem is the amount of interest being paid. “Imagine being able to pay down all your debts - including the mortgage – in a fraction of the time. That’s a lot of money saved on interest. Not having thousands of dollars in interest going out the door now, can create a very comfortable retirement later.”
As retirement approaches, we educate our clients on many topics. Whether it is social security planning, explaining all their Medicare options or, how the ‘Sequence of Returns’ on investments will impact their account values over time. We personalize a plan through our “Safe Money” investing options to produce an income you can’t outlive.
Summarily, we make it our mission to protect your life, family, and business because we strongly believe “Your greatest financial asset is YOU!”
MPI Group, LLC
Website: www.MPIGroupInfo.com
LinkedIn: MPI Group
Facebook: MPI Group LLC
Instagram: @MPIGroupLLC